An incident of idol vandalism has taken place in Sarbajanin Sri Sri Shitala temple of Kathuliya village in Durgapur union of Pirojpur Sadar Upazila in Bangladesh. Police arrested four Muslim teenagers in this incident. On the afternoon of Monday (August 1), the four Muslim teenagers were arrested on the charge of vandalizing idols. Pirojpur Sadar Police Station Officer-in-Charge (OC) A. H. M. Masuduzzaman confirmed this information.
The arrested miscreants are Hasan Sheikh (17), son of Emadul Sheikh of Hularhat Guchch village of Pirojpur Sadar Upazila, Abu Bakkar Siddiki (17), son of Dulal Bepari of Patherhat area of Kalakhali Union of Sadar Upazila, Shubho Sheikh (16), son of Bahadur Sheikh of Lakhakathi village of Tena Union of Sadar Upazila, and Ramzan Molla (14), son of Haidar Molla of Ghazalia Udayakathi village of Kalakhali Union of Sadar Upazila.
Kathuliya Sarbjanin Sri Sri Shitala temple’s priest Kala Chand Mandal said that he went to the temple on Monday morning and saw that the feet, wrists and head of the Shitala idol in the temple had been vandalized.
At that time, when he informed other Hindus, a woman living next to the temple told him that she had seen the broken idol in the temple on Sunday afternoon (31 July). Meanwhile, local Hindus said that they saw 3/4 of unknown boys going near the temple on Sunday afternoon. Later, facing the wrath of local Hindus, the police arrested four attackers.