The movie “Veerkanya Pritilata,” based on the life of freedom fighter Pritilata Waddedar, has been released in three theatres today in Bangladesh. Students will be able to watch the movie at Blockbuster Cinemas in Dhaka and Silver Screen in Chittagong for half the ticket price.
The film’s director is Pradeep Ghosh. About students watching the movie on the half pass, the maker, Pradeep Ghosh, said, “We are giving half pass coupons in educational institutions. We are ready to deliver coupons to all educational institutes who are interested.”
Pradeep Ghosh also added, “I didn’t make this movie to do business. But we will try to trade. But the movie is a must-watch for everyone. We have spoken to the University Grants Commission. After the movie runs in theaters, the university could show the movie to the students on its own initiative.”
For the director, “Veerkanya Pritilata” is not just a movie; it is a movement. He said that he owed a lot of money for making this movie. He does not know when it will be paid.
Earlier, the teaser and a song for the movie were released. Actors Amit Ranjan Dey, Kamruzzaman Tapu, and novelist Selina Hossain were also present at the press conference.
Pritilata Waddedar was an anti-British freedom fighter. She participated in the revolution in Chittagong under the leadership of Masterda Suryasen. Another revolutionary, Ramakrishna Biswas, was lodged in Alipur Jail in the Craig murder case. Pritilata met him 40 times in prison.
Pradeep Ghosh has made the movie “Veerkanya Pritilata,” based on fiction writer Selina Hossain’s novel “Bhalobasa Pritilata.” The movie has received government grants for the fiscal years 2019–2020.