In Sonagazi, Feni district, Bangladesh, a Hindu businessman was hacked and robbed in broad daylight at a gold shop. This incident happened at Zamadar Bazar of Charchandia Union of the Upazila at around two o’clock on Sunday (October 30). During this time, it is said that the members of the attacker gang have looted gold worth about 80 lakh takas.
Injured Hindu businessman Arjun Chandra Bhaduri (52) has been admitted to Chittagong Medical College Hospital, and Shahidul Islam (55), a local resident who was injured by a hand bomb thrown by the attackers, has been admitted to Sonagazi Upazila Health Complex.
According to the police, local residents, and the family of the affected Hindu businessman, six armed assailants on two motorcycles entered Arjun Jewelers in Jamadar Bazaar and demanded the keys to the locker.
When the victim Hindu businessman refused to give them the keys, they hacked him repeatedly and vandalised the shop’s showcase. After that, they forcibly snatched the keys and looted gold worth about 80 lakh rupees from the locker.
Meanwhile, the attackers threw some hand bombs and created panic. When a local resident named Shahidul Islam tried to stop the motorcycle used by the robbers, a hand bomb was thrown at him, and he was also injured.
The victim Hindu businessman, Arjun Chandra Bhaduri, is the son of Birendra Chandra Bhaduri of North Charchandia village in the Charchandia union of Upazilas. Locals rescued him and first admitted him to Sonagazi Upazila Health Complex. From there, he was transferred to Feni General Hospital. He was later referred to Chittagong Medical College Hospital for advanced treatment.