We are thankful to you for making 2020 Paschim Banga Divas Global Conference a grand success by actively participating and also promoting the same. Well-wishers of West Bengal have participated from over 20 countries. Our special thanks to all our respected guest speakers.
Some of you may not have been able to connect or participate for various reasons. As promised please see below the links to the recorded videos of the six events. This is not only for you, if you like these, please share with all your family and friends and share on your Facebook, twitter etc. social media for wide publicity.
We look forward to your active participation in positioning West Bengal on its deserved place in India and the world. We seek your advice and full support for our work in the coming days. Please stay tuned.
With Best regards,
Sreekanta Mukhopadyay on behalf of and
Sriti O Chetona Supported Paschim Banga Dibas Page:
Please Connect On June 20, 2021 and always.
—– Video Links of The 6 Day Paschim Banga Dibas 2020 —–